Are you trying to further your career, fulfil your travel dreams or rent that perfect apartment in Edmonton? Is your criminal record getting in your way even though it has been decades since the charges were filed? You are not alone! There are plenty of Edmonton residents who were in the same boat. Until they called Federal Pardon and Waiver Services that is. With our help, you too can take your life back. We can work with you to acquire a pardons Canada, US entry waiver or record expungement to help you erase convictions like DUI, theft, fraud, or possession from your record.
Applying for a Pardons Canada in Edmonton
Thanks to the Criminal Records Act, if you are eligible, you can file for a pardons Canada so that your past convictions will no longer come up during criminal record checks. Once you are convicted of a crime, you will be sentenced. Depending on the crime and its severity, this sentence can come in the form of a fine, jail time, community service, or even a combination of the three. A Canadian pardon can ensure that a past conviction is not seen by someone who does a search of your criminal record. After you have completed your sentence, you will need to wait for the allocated amount of time before filing for a pardons Canada.
Getting Your Record Expungement in Edmonton
It’s a common misconception in Edmonton, and the rest of Canada, that you will only have a criminal record if you are convicted. This is not entirely true. If you are charged with a crime or arrested, there will be a record of this. These records will be revealed as part of any criminal record check. On the bright side, since you have not been convicted, you will not need to wait too long before applying for record expungement. This will ensure that all fingerprints, photographs and other records are destroyed and will no longer appear on your record. Before you can get an expungement with our help, you must first apply for a pardons Canada.
Getting a US Entry Waiver in Edmonton
The United States is the top business and holiday destination for Canadian travellers. If you are planning a trip to the States, you should always make sure that a criminal record check will not result in you being denied entry at the border. Border patrol and immigration agents are extremely cautious when allowing foreigners into their country. Even if you have managed to cross the border in the past, you never know when your luck might run out.
Once you are denied entry into the US based on your criminal record, you will have a very difficult time getting into the country again. You will also need a US Entry Waiver along with the rest of your travel documents. This waiver is also important for those who have not yet obtained a Canadian pardon or who are not yet eligible for a pardons Canada. US entry waivers can take up to 12 months to be processed. Apply for yours well enough in advance and before making any travel reservations.
At Federal Pardon and Waiver Services, we specialise in Canadian pardons, record expungement and US entry waivers. Our team is familiar with the process, the documents required and just how stressful it can be. From assessing your eligibility to the final outcome, we are here for you every step of the way. Call 1 (800) 543-2137 to get started with us today.